full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amanda Palmer: The art of asking

Unscramble the Blue Letters

So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain csfnrouchiug and cwinofudrsrg are basically the same thing. You're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other. I once asked an opening band of mine if they waentd to go out into the cowrd and pass the hat to get some extra money, something that I did a lot. And as usual, the band was psyched, but there was this one guy in the band who told me he just couldn't bring himself to go out there. It felt too much like begging to sntad there with the hat. And I recognized his fear of "Is this fair?" and "Get a job."

Open Cloze

So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain ____________ and ____________ are basically the same thing. You're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other. I once asked an opening band of mine if they ______ to go out into the _____ and pass the hat to get some extra money, something that I did a lot. And as usual, the band was psyched, but there was this one guy in the band who told me he just couldn't bring himself to go out there. It felt too much like begging to _____ there with the hat. And I recognized his fear of "Is this fair?" and "Get a job."


  1. crowdsurfing
  2. stand
  3. crowd
  4. couchsurfing
  5. wanted

Original Text

So I couchsurf a lot. I also crowdsurf a lot. I maintain couchsurfing and crowdsurfing are basically the same thing. You're falling into the audience and you're trusting each other. I once asked an opening band of mine if they wanted to go out into the crowd and pass the hat to get some extra money, something that I did a lot. And as usual, the band was psyched, but there was this one guy in the band who told me he just couldn't bring himself to go out there. It felt too much like begging to stand there with the hat. And I recognized his fear of "Is this fair?" and "Get a job."

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
people pay 3
eye contact 2
music business 2
stupid people 2
people loving 2

Important Words

  1. asked
  2. audience
  3. band
  4. basically
  5. begging
  6. bring
  7. couchsurf
  8. couchsurfing
  9. crowd
  10. crowdsurf
  11. crowdsurfing
  12. extra
  13. fair
  14. falling
  15. fear
  16. felt
  17. guy
  18. hat
  19. job
  20. lot
  21. maintain
  22. money
  23. opening
  24. pass
  25. psyched
  26. recognized
  27. stand
  28. told
  29. trusting
  30. usual
  31. wanted